Trade NI Reacts to news that a Deal has been tabled to restore Devolution.

Reacting to the news that a deal has been tabled by the Secretary of State and Tánaiste to restore devolution, Trade NI (the alliance of Retail NI, Manufacturing NI and Hospitality Ulster) in a joint statement commented: “We welcome the draft deal published by the British and Irish Governments in the final round of talks to restore devolution. We strongly encourage …

Trade NI adds voice to call for the introduction of a Forum for Social Dialogue

As the local political parties gather today for discussions to try to restore the NI Executive and Assembly, Trade NI, an alliance of three of the largest sectors of industry, manufacturing, hospitality and retail, which represents the majority of businesses in Northern Ireland, has joined the call from Trade Unions to introduce a Forum for Social Dialogue to ensure space …

Trade NI Launch Manifesto for General Election

Trade NI, the alliance of three of the largest sectors of industry and the majority of businesses in Northern Ireland, has launched their Westminster General Election manifesto with an appeal to create the conditions for a rapid growth in the local economy, leading to more wealth and work being created in every constituency. Hospitality Ulster, Manufacturing NI and Retail NI …

Business Must Be Bolder Than Ever

Following on from the launch of Vision 2030 in Westminster, Glyn Roberts has shared his thoughts on what needs to come next for Northern Ireland business. Just under two weeks ago, Trade NI (comprising of Retail NI, Hospitality Ulster and Manufacturing NI) led the largest ever business delegation to receptions at the House of Commons and 10 Downing Street. Local …

Largest ever NI Business Delegation To Visit Westminster

Trade NI, Northern Ireland’s largest business coalition, representing Manufacturing NI, Hospitality Ulster and Retail NI has confirmed it has secured a reception at Downing Street for its members just after its main event at the House of Commons on 11th September. Twenty-seven Embassies, representing countries from across the world are sending representatives, over 100 MPs and Peers and 100 local …

Trade NI meet with Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell

Trade NI, Northern Ireland’s largest business coalition, representing Manufacturing NI, Hospitality Ulster and Retail NI has today met with the Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell who is visiting Belfast.  Trade NI representatives Colin Neill, Glyn Roberts and Mary Meehan said: “This was an excellent meeting with the Shadow Chancellor, covering Brexit, Business Rates, Infrastructure and other challenges facing our members. We …

Trade NI members co-sign statement to Secretary of State ahead of meeting

Today, the members of the Trade NI alliance, Hospitality Ulster, Manufacturing NI and Retail NI co-signed a statement, along with 18 other business groups to the new Secretary of State, Julian Smith calling for political representatives to redouble efforts to restore The Assembly and The Executive. “Two and a half years on from the collapse of the Executive, and now …